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Why Outsource

Outsourcing is becoming increasingly popular among organisations and immigration law firms, particularly for cost savings and to maximize productivity. Outsourcing offers you the benefits of our standard, expert service along with hands-on support for your HR Team, Managers, and foreign employees. This allows your staff to focus their time on strategic initiatives and other core functions. We offer a customised Immigration Outsourced Service model that is completely tailored to your needs.

VISA United States of America. Green Card US Permanent resident. Work and Travel documents

How we can assist you.

With the help of an experienced immigration case manager from ImmiFocus Partners, your staff may concentrate on strategic initiatives. We offer comprehensive services for drafting immigration petitions, including drafting support letters, completing forms, reviewing letters and documents, and verifying all documents. Our case manager can also connect with staff, facilitate document signatures, maintain Public Access Files etc. Our SME's will also review each and every application or petition to ensure that there are no errors. Therefore, ImmiFocus Partners services can be used as needed in place of engaging a full-time or even temporary in-house paralegal or support staff to handle back office administrative tasks. ImmiFocus Partners offers you the perfect solution to all your challenges.


+91 915 802 1101



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